Hello. Consider this a short update of my life. A lot has changed; a lot hasn’t. Let’s start with what hasn’t.
I am still at my same employer, in the same city, and living in the same place. That means much of my day-to-day is still exactly how I described it in my last post.
During the week, I wake up and get to work. Then, around 8am, I make myself a pot of coffee. This is usually polished off around 10:30am. As soon as the clock strikes noon, I eat lunch. I’ll admit lunch changes. It really depends on what I grabbed at the grocery store the last time. Regardless, once that’s done it’s back to work. After I call it a day at work, I’ll try and play with Mackey (my cat), play the banjo, or go to the gym to continue rock climbing. Dinner is usually going out to eat. I’ve learned I’m not a great cook. Then video games with friends for a few hours. I like to read before I head to bed, so that once I’ve had my fill of words, I drift off to sleep.
However, I’ve had a few major changes that, while they don’t change anything above, they have made my life feel wildly different. The biggest thing for me is that I got a promotion and a raise. I now finally make enough that I can put money into savings. I’m very excited about it. My new title is “Associate DevOps Engineer.” Absolutely wild that I have the word “engineer” in my job title despite me having a degree in film. Due to the raise, I was able to replace my car. Vivian was a good car, but after that post it had so many other problems selling it was the best option. I purchased a 2016 BMW 320i. It has been a solid car so far, but it’s only been a month. Time will tell.

Ultimately, I have been happier with my life. It is heading in a direction that, while unexpected, I’m not opposed to. My biggest fear, interestingly, is that I will produce less creative works as I get older until I completely cease. I don’t know what the next day brings and I can only hope the next day brings me closer to my goals.