
Journaling like Eustace Scrubb

I was gifted a little black notebook and pen, both embossed with my initials, for Christmas by my two best friends. As much as I appreciated the gesture, I didn’t know what to do with another notebook and pen. I already had a few pens and notebooks—the pens unused, their ink drying (or dried) and …

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fitness life


I’ve been climbing indoors since the start of 2022. My roommate introduced me to the local climbing gym and I fell in love after the first session. I have been going roughly three times a week, MWF, and have kept that habit up since I first bought my pair of climbing shoes at REI. Of …

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Searching for Pop-Tarts

In case you’re unfamiliar with what a Grocery Outlet is, let me give you a quick rundown. Grocery Outlet is a discount grocery store where everything is purchased wholesale from other grocery stores’ leftover stock. Each location has its own purchasing ability, which means each outlet will have some cross-over of items or have a …

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creativity life


I am going to be honest and say that I’ve been deeply struggling with finding that creative spark. I have a few creative outlets that I want to pursue: writing, music, and photography. I know I enjoy each one, but I can’t seem to keep a disciplined routine for each one. My desire to be …

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winding wandering ways

Hello. Consider this a short update of my life. A lot has changed; a lot hasn’t. Let’s start with what hasn’t. I am still at my same employer, in the same city, and living in the same place. That means much of my day-to-day is still exactly how I described it in my last post. …

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i got a cat

I got a cat. His name is Macaroni, but I call him Mac for short. He is a black and white, domestic shorthair. At 3 years old and 11 pounds, he is still one cuddly boy. He loves to be pet, held, and given as much attention as possible. Mac is also pretty vocal, so …

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Vivian the Volvo

I drive a 1986 Volvo 240 DL; the DL stands for DeLuxe. Not that is any glamorous about the car. I have named her Vivian (I’m a sucker for alliteration) and have only had her for about a year and a bit yet I am utterly attached to her. Yes, she looks like a brick …

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life technology

a small prank

I was having a conversation with a friend at a small house party one day about how wrong she was regarding the GameStock stock. She firmly believes that the stock will ‘moon’ too far beyond $1000. Maybe all the way to $10,000. Could it go further? As far as she is concerned, it totally could. …

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nyu part 2

This is not a happy blog post, but neither is it a sad one. Instead, it is a blog post that wants to say: I am no longer going to NYU. The simple reason? $113,000. That number is the total that would be paid back after an estimated 20 years of paying them back. It …

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